Task Force Tomlinson * Map01 Scenario time limit: 60 minutes SITUATION: A US Mechanized Infantry Battalion (+) and an OPFOR Motorized Rifle Battalion (BMP)(+) are racing toward the same objective. The US battalion is now 10 kilometers West the objective. The OPFOR battalion is 10 Kilometers East of the objective. MISSIONS: US - Occupy and have cleared Objective A of all enemy forces at the end of 60 minutes. OPFOR - Occupy and have cleared Objective A of all enemy forces at the end of 60 minutes. Admin Note: At the end of 60 minutes, whichever side has sole possession of Objective A is the winner. Any other result is a draw. ORDER OF BATTLE: US - Mechanized Infantry Battalion, Tank Company, Air Defense Platoon (BSFV) OPFOR - Motorized Rifle Battalon (BMP), 2 x Tank Company, Antitank Section, Air Defense Section (ZSU) OFFMAP ARTILLERY AND AIR SUPPORT: US - 155mm Howitzer, 227mm MLRS, 2 x F16/F18 5% chance of additional artillery ammo. 10% chance of additional air support. OPFOR - 2 x 152mm Howitzer, MRL Battalion, 4 x MIG27 5% chance of additional artillery ammo. 10% chance of additional air support. * Scenario Disk 1